Tag Archives: God

Crush it, cash in on your passion

I’ve been reading this book by Gary Vaynerchuk and its pretty thought provoking. It has inspired me to blog a little more, pass along my passion for music as well as the other passions in my life to you all…  

Music is what I know. I’ve been studying and practicing music for as long as I can remember. I started violin at 4 years old~ practiced for 30 min every day (forced by my parents when I was little). I then started picking up the piano and classical guitar a short while after that. Practicing all three I believe was a good 1.5 after school every day.  ha! My brother was musically trained as well and we would try to bribe each other trying to get out of practicing when my folks weren’t around. Funny how kids learn business skills at such a young age. =) If I didn’t perform music, I wonder what I would do. Like I said, music is what I know and what I love. I love creating.  I make art as well…My mom is 10x the visual artist I am, but I still try cause it makes me happy. Check out http://www.bethskillicorn.com to see my mom’s art.  Here’s one of mine =) 


Anyway, lets get back to this book.  I would highly recommend it to you all. It inspires you to cash in on what your passions are in life…makes you really think about what God’s plan is for you and how to act on it. How to use social media and the internet to create a personal brand. I thought this was fascinating. Well, I’m off to try and write a song!! CREATE CREATE CREATE 


Happy Monday.